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When is The Morrigan going to call in that favor from Kenzi? What happened to Lou Ann Heidegger? Is the first Ash still on life support? We discuss the hanging plot threads on Lost Girl that people are anxious to be resolved, many of which — not surprisingly — are leftover from Season 4. We're joined by Sally, who blogs at Unaligned and you can follow her on Twitter @sheaven. Thank you to everyone who sent in feedback for this episode!
Seasons 1-3
- Favor Kenzi owes The Morrigan (“Table for Fae”) — We did ask Emily Andras about this favor when we talked to her during Season 4, and she said that the writers have not forgotten about the favor.
- Lou Ann Heidegger — We see Trick saved her from execution. What happened to her? (“Vexed”)
- The first Ash — is he still alive? (“Blood Lines”)
- Kenzi & Her Stepfather (“Mirror, Mirror,” “End of a Line”)
- Why was Tamsin banished from Valhalla? (“The Kenzi Scale”)
- Stella — what happened between her and Trick? (“In Memoriam”)
- Consequences of The Dawning? The Caretaker says The Temple can be vengeful. (“The Ceremony”)
- Who hired Tamsin? Who ordered Acacia’s hand cut off? (“Delinquents,” “End of a Line”)
Season 4
- Aife — does Bo know Aife is still alive? What happened between Aife and Trick in “In Memoriam”?
- Crystal! (“Turn to Stone”)
- Who kidnapped Lauren? Was it just The Morrigan or did Trick help her? (“Turn to Stone”)
- Leviathan’s prediction — will we see Bo go back to Irkalla in Season 5? (“Destiny's Child”)
- Butterfly on the Death Train — was that the same butterfly from Bo’s childhood? How did it get there? (“Waves”)
- Lauren’s brother (“Turn to Stone”)
- Is Lauren ever going to tell Bo about her past? (“Let the Dark Times Roll”)
- The Crown on the Train (“Of All the Gin Joints,” “Destiny's Child”)
- Helskor — is there going to be a quest for the other hel-shoe? Who is it meant for? (“Dark Horse”)
Former Baddies Who Did Not Die
Note: There are plenty of baddies who didn't die, but these were the ones listeners mentioned wanting to know what happened to them or if they would re-emerge as a threat.
- Baba Yaga — we see her in the mirror at the end of the episode, not dead. Will she ever take revenge on Kenzi and Bo? (“Mirror, Mirror”)
- Clio — Bo doesn’t kill her, just chi sucks her. Is she going to pop back up again? (“Lovers. Apart.”)
- Cayden, Dyson’s pack mate — He escapes. (“BrotherFae of the Wolves”)
- Engelram gets stabbed through the tail but doesn't die (“In Memoriam”)
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