As a farmhand in the country, Lucy had found safety and comfort from her tumultuous past. But when people from her past catch up with her, she decides to confront where she came from in order to protect her found family and her new life.
Expectations of the Spinoff
- Yay Krysten Ritter!
- Stephanie doesn’t expect a dozen characters played by the same actor.
- Seems like it’ll be thematic similarities more than a direct continuation. In other words, not a clone.
- Pleased to see some personnel from the original show involved, including John Fawcett and Trevor Yuile

- Kira seems to be involved in printing Lucy. The printing technology is related to her day job at the Additive Foundation, which creates donor organs. But why is Kira involved in a new form of cloning?
- Why does she ask Lucy if she knew who the baby was? The photo doesn’t seem to have many clues (potted plant, blue polka dot watering can).
- Kira seemed disappointed that Lucy didn’t recognize the baby. Was she hoping Lucy would know that information because she can’t ask “original” Lucy?
- Who was original Lucy to Kira? She says she thought Lucy might know her.
- Who is the person she left a message for? Kris has a theory.
- Why is she smoking?? In 2052?!
The Suits
- Reed Diamond and Tattiawna Jones! Reed Diamond previously appeared on Dollhouse, and Kris is a fan of Tattiawna Jones from Strange Empire.
- Who do they work for?? They seem to have the same oversight that Kira does.
- What is their role?
Lucy & the Other Printout?
- Lucy’s got skills! She resourcefully uses a lamp to break out of the fake house. She speaks three languages. She can repair cars. She seemingly heals quickly. Is she an “enhanced” copy of someone’s genome?
- Lucy has some memory of a past event involving someone with a bloody knife. She tells her coworker that she thinks it’s her in the dream, but is it her?
- Was the Headphones Printout produced from a copy of the same genome at a different point in time?
- Lucy’s notebook has drawings of her memories as well as some mathematical equations.
- Could Lucy the Australopithecus possibly be the namesake for the character?
Jack and Charlie
- How suspicious should we be that Jack was in the military? He specifically mentions a scalpel and that he works in a diner now.
- Why did Charlie take Lucy’s notebook?
- Could Charlie possibly be the baby in the photo?

References to the Original Series
- Lucy getting hit by a vehicle but having no injuries recalls Kira’s accident in Season 1.
- Lucy has a copy of London Calling by The Clash in her LP collection.
- Lucy is tagged, not with a genetic marker but some kind of luminescent mark.
- Lucy’s memory of blood on tiles is reminiscent of Helena patching herself up in a stranger’s bathroom after Sarah runs her through with rebar in Season 1.
- The bloody knife in Lucy’s memory is reminiscent of Helena’s Prolethean knife.
Things That We’re Overanlyzing
- The birds! The birds in “house” where Lucy woke up looked to be rosy-faced lovebirds, one with dominant color genetics and one with recessive color genetics.
- The music! Both Lucy and Headphones were listening to “Janine” by David Bowie, which includes the lyrics, “Janine, Janine, you’d like to know me well / But I’ve got things inside my head / That even I can’t face.”
- Lucy was listening to “Star Witness” by Neko Case from the 2006 album Fox Confessor Brings the Flood. The song is sung from the perspective of someone whose partner died and they are lamenting his death. The protagonist lives in an area of town that’s poor, and their partner’s death does not attract much attention. Could the story in this song be a clue to Lucy’s past?
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