Lucy and Jack track down a lead that might provide information about Jules's past, while Jules herself is starting to look at her life with more scrutiny. Charlie tries to deal with her guilt about having to shoot someone to protect Lucy.
Opening Credits
- Images evoke the creation of the printouts in the pink goo, rather than the images of cell division and DNA from the original series credits
- Flowers are also included in the imagery — what might be their significance?
- The theme song is “The Lengths” by Julien Baker and the lyrics included in the credits are:
Do you really want to know
The lengths I would go to touch the smallest pieces of you
Anything that I can reconstruct
Show me
And I'll do it
- The full version of the song is available on YouTube.
- Flashbacks to Beacon Bayview show the different types of struggles that Lucy and Jules had after they were first printed
- Kris can’t help but make connections between Jules’s backstory and that of Jessica Jones.
- Jules appeared to have a real connection with Dr. Pam Teller, but now she can't trust her.
- The paint swatches on the wall, the casual relationships she wants to have with people at school both suggest that Jules has not settled into this life. She hasn't formed many (if any) close relationships.
- Darros (or whoever) hired a middle aged man to write a teenage girl’s diary. Because of course they did.
- Feels like an untenable situation at home now — how is Jules going to continue to avoid taking pills?

- As expected, following the lead to Beacon Bayview. And maybe pushing her luck by asking so many questions.
- Kind of wild hearing the two main characters discuss the list of questions they/we have about what the heck is going on.
- Planning to “dream trip” with your teenage self seems like a bad idea
- Kira meets with Josh, who has left the Additive Foundation because “things got complicated” for him. He has a Bengal cat with stomach issues named Jennipurr and enjoys a ridiculous beverage.
- “It’s the fact that we did it at all that’s bothering you now.” -Josh to Kira
- She tells Josh she is thinking of retiring because she doesn't trust herself.
- Kira also meets with Darros and the Suits, where she learns Lucy's name. Does the name mean something to her? What did her reaction really mean?
- Kira being shady, stealing Lucas's blood donation… Why?
- Tom is so condescending to Emily! Reed Diamond has such a slappable face.
- Emily sees through Tom's push to see Lucy as unusually violent.
- Emily says in her conversation with Kira that she should have considered the fact that Lucy is a person before Kira “left her out there.” Does Emily maybe have a history of being/feeling abandoned by her family? Or maybe she has a family member who that happened to?
- Demonstrating symptoms of PTSD
- Stephanie still doesn't trust Tina, even though she helped cover for Charlie with the cop.
- Jack does a great eulogy: “We didn't know you. I don't think we would have liked you if we did.”
- Kris hopes those weren’t Chekhov’s guns in Tina’s armoire

Kris’s Science Corner
- A thing I thought to look up because of Star Trek: memory engrams. Guess what? They’re a real thing!
- From Wikipedia:
- “An engram is a unit of cognitive information imprinted in a physical substance, theorized to be the means by which memories are stored as biophysical or biochemical changes in the brain or other biological tissue, in response to external stimuli.
- Demonstrating the existence of, and the exact mechanism and location of, neurologically defined engrams has been a focus of persistent research for many decades.”
- “The term ‘engram’ was coined [in 1904] by memory researcher Richard Semon in reference to the physical substrate of memory in the organism.”
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