Kira and Lucy try to find Josh to ask him why he gave the printing technology to Darros. Jules is taken by Darros to his compound where she sees both his inspirational projects and his darker ambitions.
We Need to Talk about Our Feeeeeeeeelings
- Kris has been waiting for an episode like this! Something that makes you say “WHAT?!” (Though she kind of had her suspicions.)
- Oh, Kira. What have you gotten yourself into? This episode bears out things we've suspected, that Lucas and apparently everyone else in Kira's family doesn't know that Eleanor died. Kira must feel so alone, even though she was successful in printing an older Eleanor who remembered her.

Kira and Eleanor
- Kira lied (by omission) to Lucy! She did use the printer more than once!
- Dosing your wife without her knowledge isn’t cool, Kira! Even if your intentions are good. !!
- Kris appreciates that the show is really (REALLY) delving into the ways grief can affect people.
- Rhona seems nice! And surprisingly understanding.
- Poor Josh. We see him packing before he ends up killing himself. Would he have just left if Kira hadn’t confronted him?
- Both Josh and Kira expressed that they lost their way.
- Neva seems to be on the level (yay!), but James proves he doesn’t deserve the title of Dad.
- Dr. Teller is cold!
- Jules is trapped in Darros’s creepy, but also kind of cool, compound.
- Graphene is a real thing, but it doesn't seem to be like how it's represented in the episode.
- Franklinia alatamaha is native to Georgia and has been extinct in the wild since the early 19th century. HOWEVER, it survives as a cultivated ornamental tree.
- Mycelium! Very big in sci-fi these days.
- Of COURSE the printing is about rich people life-extension.
- What’s the thing in Darros’s office with the scrolling icons?? (Palm tree, nautilus shell, star, rocking chair, pear)
- Darros and Xander were both singing “Just the Way You Are” by Billy Joel, using music to link printouts the way “Janine” by David Bowie was used in “Pilot.”
- Xander describes Darros as “his prime.” Was Jules proof of concept that a scan could be “de-aged” and then printed?
Lucy and Jack
- Continues to be surprisingly forthright with Jack.
- Jack's reaction to hearing about Eleanor was significant, worrying what Lucy's origin story meant in regards of their relationship.
Music Credits
- “Floating Cities” by Kevin MacLeod (
- “Kept in a Unlocked Prison” by lukeing forward
- “Ossuary 4 – Animate” by Kevin MacLeod (
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