When Charlie is kidnapped, Lucy tries to turn herself over to Tom but he demands she return Jules instead. Kira and Eleanor uncover the identities of the twelve people that Darros wants to print, but it may be too late to stop his plans, despite Xander's new desire to help them after learning more about Darros through his memory drug trip.
Lucy, Jack and Charlie
- Stephanie was surprised that Tom and his slappable face didn't also try to capture Lucy.
- Unsurprisingly, Jack and Charlie are headed out of the country for Charlie's safety.
- Jack was remarkably kind about Lucy's situation.
- Craig is OK! (Though in the post-episode feature, Krysten Ritter mentioned that in one version of the script, he died. Yay, Craig didn't die!)
- Echo: Sarah turning herself in at the end of Season 2 when Rachel took Kira

Eleanor & Lucas (& Rhona)
- Rhona! We were rooting for you, but blackmail isn’t cool.
- Kris appreciated Eleanor’s acknowledgement that “grief changes you” when she’s talking to Lucas.
- It’s nice that Eleanor is giving Kira another chance. Especially with how everything else is going at the end of the episode.
Questionable Xander
- He helped Lucy get into the compound and sent her and Jules on their way toward escape.
- We see him take the lens from the printer, but what ultimately happens to it?
- Stephanie expected Xander to not come through at some point, but maybe he has really turned on Darros.
Darros & Kira
- Darros announces The Genius Project. His printouts are very smart people that he wants to manipulate for his own purposes.
- Stephanie is still not sure how Darros has been able to print 16-year-old versions of these people. It might just be something we shouldn't parse too hard.
- Are we supposed to believe that no one would recognize these kids?
- Darros's files suggest that Kira is one of the members of his Genius Project.
- Big sad face
- What do we think about this writing choice?
- Jules and her big heart… But why couldn't she and Lucy just escape?!?!?

Music Credits
- “Floating Cities” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
- Insane Landing by lukeing forward is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License
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