Vivi teams up with Jay to free Cosima from being detained by the Department of Defense. Kira confesses quite a bit about herself and her family to Em when she realizes the seriousness of what may be happening in Nasgwine'g. Delphine decodes the information Sturgis stored in the DNA sequence of some hair, which leads them to a locker at a local social club.
Episode Title Reference
“Why personify change by calling it God? Since change is just an idea, why not call it that? Just say change is important.”
“Because after a while, it won’t be important!” I told him. “People forget ideas. They’re more likely to remember God – especially when they’re scared or desperate.”
“Then they’re supposed to do what?” he demanded. “Read a poem?”
“Or remember a truth or a comfort or a reminder to action,” I said. “People do that all the time. They reach back to the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, or some other religious book that helps them deal with the frightening changes that happen in life.”
“Change does scare most people.”
“I know. God is frightening. Best learn to cope.”
— Parable of the Sower, Octavia E. Butler

Alison, Dana & Charlotte
- Hits differently in current times with Charlotte wearing a mask and sitting at the back of the van so as not to infect Alison
- We still don't have a sense of what Charlotte thinks about what she has wrought with outing the clones. But her conversation with Dana suggests that she still thinks it was best to come out to the world on their own terms.
- With the new media scrutiny, Dana seems to be facing an identity crisis herself, or at least rethinking her feelings about being a clone.
Kira & Em
- Kira is growing up! "But if Kira couldn’t trust anyone, then what was the point? She could choose for herself."
- She trusted Em enough to tell her about clones and LIN28A.
- She has a bit of Sarah's recklessness in her and her tendency to confront injustice.
- Sauveterre admits he planted a computer virus in the genetic sample he gave GeneKeep, but how did he do that???
Vivi, Jay & Cosima
- Vivi and Jay make a surprisingly fun pair.
- Kurzmann is the worst. He was involved in the attack on Sauveterre, so it's reasonable to think he or his organization downloaded the Nasgwine'g data from GeneKeep. He could be the person in touch with Dr. Bai, possibly?
- Stephanie admires Cosima's ability to speak rationally when someone is threatening her.
- Cosima better NOT have gotten stung by those nasty little drones. Or Stephanie is going to be UNHAPPY.
- What are Vivi, Jay, and Cosima's next steps?
Art, Delphine & Donnie
- Sturgis's hair yielded an address and a locker combination
- The idea of a possible Donnie "undercover" mission to a sex club is making Stephanie embarrassed already.
Sarah & Felix
- Lovely scene together at a different kitchen table
- Ugh. Rachel.
- You know, it actually makes sense that Rachel ended up in a call center. She clearly doesn't mind taking advantage of people or forcing her direct reports to follow a punishing work schedule.
- Had she considered what she would do if the clone project went public?
- Wonder where she might land now…

Music Credits
“Saving the World's Weirdest Creature” by lukeing forward is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
“Dubstep“ from
“News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod ( is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.
“Insane Landing” by lukeing forward is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
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