When Charlie is kidnapped, Lucy tries to turn herself over to Tom but he demands she return Jules instead. Kira and Eleanor uncover the identities of the twelve people that Darros wants to print, but it may be too late to stop his plans, despite Xander’s new desire to help them after learning more about Darros through his memory drug trip.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×09 “Attracting Awful Things” — Episode 142
With help from Jules’s mom Neva and a surprise visitor, Kira makes progress on discovering what Darros’s plan might be for the print outs. Jules begrudgingly helps Xander who takes all of her memory drug to learn all he can about Darros. What he sees with the drug’s assistance seems to change his mind about wanting to fill Darros’s shoes. Lucy calls in assistance from Jack to help nurse Craig’s gunshot wound, and Craig reveals some personal things about his past.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×08 “The Paradox of Joyce” — Episode 141
Lucy seeks help from an ex to determine the significance of the device that Jules stole from Darros. Jules takes Eleanor to visit her mother to convince her not to give up on finding a cure for early on-set Alzheimer’s. Lucas confronts Kira about her deception as she tries to protect him from the fallout of her encounter with Emily.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×07 “The Dog’s Honest Truth” — Episode 140
After Lucy tells her about Kira’s actions, Eleanor tries to be honest with Lucas. Jules makes another attempt to escape Darros’s compound, and Kira discovers some unsettling videos on Josh’s laptop.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×06 “Unless You Trusted Someone” — Episode 139
Kira and Lucy try to find Josh to ask him why he gave the printing technology to Darros. Jules is taken by Darros to his compound where she sees both his inspirational projects and his darker ambitions.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×05 “Do I Know You?” — Episode 138
Kira tells Lucy the story of why she decided to print Lucy, revealing that her love for her wife Eleanor was what caused her to cross that ethical line in the sand.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×04 “It’s All Coming Back” — Episode 137
Lucy and Jules examine the details from their shared dream, which leads them to new clues about the original copy. Kira is concerned that Mr. Darros might hurt Lucy, and she gets more help from Emily to locate her.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×03 “Pegasus Girl” — Episode 136
Lucy and Jack track down a lead that might provide information about Jules’s past, while Jules herself is starting to look at her life with more scrutiny. Charlie tries to deal with her guilt about having to shoot someone to protect Lucy.
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×02 “Jules” — Episode 135
Lucy interrogates Jules, the young woman who looks like the person she sees in her nightmares, to figure out how much she knows about their origins. Kira receives a surprise visitor who came to check up on her after she called Cosima with some concerns. The suits following Lucy ask their boss for permission to…
Orphan Black: Echoes 1×01 “Pilot” — Episode 134
Lucy had found safety and comfort from her tumultuous past as a farmhand in the country. But when people from her past catch up with her, she decides to confront where she came from in order to protect her found family and her new life.