We continue our discussion of LGBT representation in Season 2 of Orphan Black with guest contributor Dawson. We talk about Cosima asserting that her sexuality isn’t the most important thing about her, Felix’s fun but disastrous love life, as well as what we imagine Sarah's experience with same-sex attraction might be.
Thanks again to geekdawson for joining us for this episode!
Cosima & Delphine
- Based on Delphine’s statement that she’d never considered bisexuality for herself, I’m thinking she never watched The X-Files. (Side note: in this regard, is Tatiana Maslany the new Gillian Anderson?)
- Still probably the most stable couple of the season (though Alison and Donnie get there by 2.09)
- Repeated interlacing of medical procedures with romantic/intimate imagery
- But why all the “lesbian” references with Cosima and Delphine? Delphine pretty much called herself bisexual in “Entangled Bank,” while Graeme and John have labeled Cosima as bisexual in interviews. It’s fine if they have changed how they identify but I worry about bisexual erasure.
- Again, none of his storylines really revolved around his sexuality. Which is great!
- Got a whole sequence of preparing for his date with Colin! (And then kissage!)
- Shared a smooch with Delphine (awkward, but not grossed out)
- Don’t get to hear her answer to the “what’s your sexual orientation” question in “By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried”
- From youre324b21:
LGBT representation this season was on point yet again. Seeing Tony was awesome. I am really excited they are bringing him back in S3. Sometimes we forget that the T is not just for show, since most Trans individuals don’t want to be known. They are integral to all of us as a community. Secondly, this season was so rough on Cosima with her illness that I’m pleased they took some time to acknowledge their love. Illness doesn’t give one the will to be affectionate. I can’t even imagine if there Was a clock running. I fully stand by the decision to keep them less affectionate and my hope is that they wrap up the illness storyline this next season. S2 Cosima was very isolated and less kick ass vs S1 her. And lord help us all if Delphine doesn’t return. She this season was much more engaging as a character. Stuck between a rock and hard place with this immense love for Cosima vs DYAD. I LOVED that she kissed Sarah/Cos at the mixer. There was no hesitation, no looking over her shoulder. Just a kiss regardless of who saw. S3 can’t come soon enough for this fan.”
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