Simultaneously terrifying villain and tragic victim, Helena is the wild card of Orphan Black’s first season. Kris and Stephanie discuss what sets her apart from the other clones, as well as her well-executed story arc and interactions with other characters.
Profiles of Helena
- The police profile says: “Female killers tend to suffer from chronic detachment. Isolation breeds sociopaths. This psalm – ‘Fearfully and wonderfully made’ – she’s a religious fanatic.” They also mention “early childhood development issues – could be extreme abuse.”
- The profiles turn out to be accurate, but the police have no way of knowing the circumstances that led to Helena being the way she is.
- Tatiana Maslany has said that she is driven by love, but goes about it in completely the wrong way.
- Kris’s dad made a comment/assumption about Helena being a drug addict. Stephanie thinks it could have merit. Kris remains skeptical.
Most overtly different clone
- Left-handed
- Blonde
- Cutter
- Is she innately different than the others, or is it a deliberate choice to differentiate herself? Are the Proletheans behind these differences?
Helena as sympathetic villain
- Introduced as a terrifying unknown
- Quickly revealed to be abused and child-like
- We both normally are put off by this trope, but we thought Orphan Black handled it very well.
Interactions/relationships with other characters
- Meeting Sarah may be the most significant moment of Helena’s life. She says that they are connected, and we get the sense that Helena perhaps hasn’t ever felt that before.
- Kira seems to be the first person to offer Helena any genuine kindness and affection. When Helena takes her from Mrs. S’s house, we are concerned for Kira, but we don’t think that she faces any danger from Helena.
- We have questions about Amelia. Helena also seemed to have questions for and about her, but then she stabbed her before she could answer. Oh, Helena.
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