Sarah and Helena hit the road together, following a trail of clues that might lead her to the origins of the clone experiment. Cosima and Delphine get a new colleague, while Alison encounters a familiar face at rehab. We discuss our initial reactions to the sixth episode of Season 2 of Orphan Black, “To Hound Nature in Her Wanderings.”
Sarah & Helena
- SESTRA ROADTRIP – how delightful was this? (VERY. The answer is “very.”)
- Shadow puppets
- “Sugar, Sugar” by The Archies – OF COURSE Helena loves this song. It’s about sugar. Kind of.
- Conversation about motherhood
- In case you missed the whole “yin yang” twin thing, they’re going to give us the image of them sleeping in the tent.
- Dynamic shifts from big sister/little sister to mother/child
- Is on vacation. Which calls for drinking.
- Spinning tales of the other clones for Jesse’s sake
- Arm wrestling, dancing, smoochies (WHAT?), bar fighting
- Approached by the Farming Proletheans – goes with them because she wants her babies that they took
- Tells Gracie that she too once had her mouth stitched shut. “It heals.”
- She’s going to destroy them all though, right? RIGHT?
- Conversation with Cosima – AWWWWWW
- Learns Maggie Chen had been following Duncan – are we leading back to where the series started?
- We are disappointed in Sarah for leaving Helena behind.
- Finds Swan Man and Mrs S is there. (WHAT?)
- Appeals to Ethan Duncan as his daughter (in a way)
- Revelations about Project LEDA, Dyad, and Leekie
- For sure Terminator Paul re-emerged in this episode.
- Conversation with Mark in the bar
- Stephanie wants to think Paul has a plan, but it’s not looking good.
- What do he and Mrs S have going now? How did she know about Afghanistan?
Felix & Art
- Drunk, painting angry Felix (in pants! Were those the gay pants from “Unconscious Selection”?)
- Odd couple-ness with Art – he’s the best date Felix has had in months.
- Kris hopes we’ll see more of this alliance in the future.
Cosima & Delphine
- Follow-up on the intradermal test from last episode (Puppy line! Clone Club shout out.)
- 4cm:
“I don’t get why Leekie is using an intramuscular 18 gauge needle to inject Cosima with the sub-dermal. That’s freaking painful totally unnecessary for the viscosity of the substance he is injecting with which makes me wonder if he’s injecting her with something other than just the substance (microchipping?). Also I don’t think Leekie is as good as he’s appearing to be against Rachel’s foil.”
- Scott! Nope, Cosima didn’t want him there, but Delphine did. Delphine? What are you up to?
- Scott susses out that the pluripotent stem cells from baby teeth came from a female relative or offspring (WHAT?) of a clone.
Alison & Vic!
- Alison is just going through the motions of rehab, she’s not working the program
- And then VIC shows up.
- But he’s working with Angie. Is he conning Alison completely or is some of it genuine?
Stray Thoughts
- Why was Cosima still wearing the same clothes?
- Where is Cosima staying?
- But what if the baby teeth AREN’T Kira’s? Does that mean there WAS an original? Did another clone have a child?
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