Orphan Black had quite a presence at San Diego Comic Con and its surrounding events in 2014, including the first official Clone Club meetup! Kris and Stephanie didn’t get to attend, but talk about what we were able to experience through the internet.
Thanks to geekdawson for the photos!
First Official Clone Club Meetup
- Looked awesome from the pictures I saw.
- I want all of those cardboard standees.
- Alison’s nametag making station, Helena’s buffet (jello, potato chips, pork rinds, powdered donuts, grapes, muffins, and fried chicken), an OB store, a phone charging station, and a ballpit of denial that was also a puppy.
- The cast showed up! (I was pretty sure they would.)
- TMas posed for (adorable!) pictures with a glue gun, and somebody gave her a stuffed puppy.
Nerd HQ
- Heaping praise on Tatiana
- Tatiana and Jordan nuzzling each other – too adorable
- Ari Millen says he was originally supposed to be killed by Paul in episode 6.
- Kristian and Dylan wind each other up – results in pants-dropping
- Tatiana spent much of the panel acknowledging people in the audience. It’s pretty cute.
- Dylan Bruce admits he had a crush on Maria Doyle Kennedy because of The Commitments. (Stephanie’s dreams could come true!)
- Zach Levi acknowledges the wonderful chemistry the cast has.
SDCC Orphan Black Panel
- Maria Doyle Kennedy squashes Stephanie’s dreams by saying that a Paul/Mrs. S relationship might be too much for Mrs. S & Sarah’s relationship.
- Maria Doyle Kennedy talking about not being interested in taking the wife roles “because I can do that at home.”
- The fan that made everyone cry with her story of coming out, and Jordan once again gives an eloquent response
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