Foster mother to Sarah and Felix (and Kira), Siobhan Sadler – better known as Mrs. S – is fiercely protective and kind of terrifying. In a good way. Kris and Stephanie are joined by their guest, Susan, to talk about rifles, cardigans, meat forks, and international badassery.
Brixton/Pre-foster mom
- How did she come to be in Brixton? Did she move to Brixton with Mr. S (if there was a Mr. S)?
- Was she drawn to Brixton because of the political unrest there or was she there before it emerged?
- Involved with political leftists and radicals
- Sold arms to fund political activities
Fosters Sarah
- Sarah came to Siobhan when she was “a bit older” than Kira. Sarah says she was adopted around 8 and came to Canada around 12.
Moves to Canada
- Stays for a time with the Birdwatchers
- Why did they move there?
- From Celtise: “Maria Doyle Kennedy is Irish. Just a coincidence, or relevant to the character of Mrs. S? She is Mrs. S as opposed to Ms or Miss. Is there a Mr. S going to pop up at some stage?”
- We know why she fostered Sarah. Why did she also foster Felix?
Random Thoughts
- She had the most surprising change from Season 1 to 2. There were hints she might be a shady character in S1, but I did not expect THE CUTLERY.
- We see more of her maternal feelings toward Sarah in S2.
- “I’m on your side, love. Always have been.” But still, Kira comes first.
- Stephanie was intrigued by her interactions with Paul in S2, and not just because she totally ships Mrs. Paul: International Bad Abs. There’s an unexpected kinship there (and sexual tension!), and it was interesting watching them negotiate each other.
- Sexy Mrs. S! We liked that she got a brief romantic interest.
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